A time lapse is an animation created by a series of images. The images are automatically taken through a timer and when all the pictures are taken they are sped up into a video to make a time lapse. A time lapse animation is usually made to film things that would usually take a long time and make it shorter. They can show people how something can progress without them having to watch the actual thing for hours. Time lapse can also be used to tell a story however this is would not be very affective as they generally go too fast to tell a story, this is why they generally are used to get one point across.
This video is of a homeless army veteran. In the video he is given a complete makeover which includes his outfit and hair. The camera takes a picture around every 2 seconds and through it we see him gradually change in appearance. The actual makeover will have taken around about an hour to complete. This video is for all audiences and many people can watch it as inspiration to show how you can change. There are similar videos to this that show how people can change their look as this is something that interests a lot of people. It is done as a time lapse animation because the makeover process is generally a long one and it would be too boring to watch it go on for an hour or so,
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